New blog what are your cleaning protocols What we are doing to keep our members safe

What are we doing to keep you safe and healthy?

At GPHF we want to provide you with a safe and healthy place to workout, see your friends, and reach your goals.

Here is a run down of our cleaning protocols in the gym to help ease your mind so that all you need to focus on is your workout.



-Wash or sanitize hands upon entry of the gym

-Go to their own 6’x8’ workout box where a cleaning container is stationed for each person

-Maintain 6’ of distance at all times

-Individual equipment – absolutely no sharing of equipment until thoroughly washed 

Post Workout

-Sanitize or wash hands

-Spray all equipment and let it sit for a couple of minutes

-Wipe equipment down with new clean towel (provided at each station)

-Return equipment to its designated spot

-Throw towel in hamper to be washed

-Spray down cleaning station and let sit for next class

-Exit with 6’ of distance apart



-Place new towel in each station for the next class

-Take time to plan and strategize how to ensure proper distance for each workout

-Ensure everyone has washed/sanitized their hands

-Implements proper distances while getting equipment 

Post Workout

-Place all dirty towels into the wash

-Dry clean ones

-Fold and place dry towels at the front of the whiteboard

-Take large sprayer and spray each workout station and let solution sit and dry for next class

-Wipe down door handles and light switches

-Cleaning all high-touch areas


We have a cleaning crew that comes in every evening. They use a power floor scrubber to ensure the floors are clean and ready for the next day. On top of disinfecting and wiping down all highly traffic areas. 

We are working very hard to make sure you have a safe and healthy place to workout and prioritize your health and fitness. Since reopening, we have tripled our cleaning budget. We are doing everything in our power to make a difference for everyone who walks through our doors, and ensuring your health and safety is #1. 

Sound like a place you would feel comfortable working out in? Let’s book a meeting and chat about your goals 6 feet apart :).

GPHF team