Greater Purpose Health and Nutrition Vision
To help people find purpose in life so that they can make a positive impact in the world
This is our Vision for Greater Purpose Health and Nutrition. We are striving to make a positive impact in the world. People are becoming more and more unwell; mentally, physically, and spiritually. That idea that you can only treat one aspect of a person and expect to make them holistically well is not accurate. We want to change the mindset that we are one-dimensional humans. You cannot become super healthy in one aspect and expect everything else to follow suit as a byproduct. They can play off of each other and create faster growth together, but there still needs to be intentional work put into each aspect.
Become holistically well
You need to put meaningful work into every aspect listed above to become holistically well. Picture your life as a table. The legs of the table are what holds you up. The legs are different parts of your life. For simplicity’s sake, let’s use Physical, Mental, Spiritual as your table legs. If you are investing equal time in all of these listed above, you will have a level tabletop to set your dinner plate on. If you bias towards one leg a bit more, you end up with an uneven place to set your things. Not the end of the world, but not optimal. If you invest your time and energy into only one leg of this table consistently, you leave yourself vulnerable to be dictated by external unknowns. How many one-legged tables do you see being sold?
Built for a purpose
This is why we want to focus on more than just the “athlete.” A purpose-driven life is a fulfilling and joyful one. We aim to work towards our vision by “Helping people find purpose in life, through meaningful relationships, a positive atmosphere, growth based coaching, and holistic wellness practices.” We pride ourselves in our professional fitness coaches and nutrition experts in our gym, however, we believe that our services and coaching is just one aspect to helping the whole person. The culture, relationships, and constant pursuit of personal growth are what make the difference. We pursue and invest our time/energy into people who want to be a part of this.
If you are interested in becoming part of a culture that prioritizes the whole person and not just the “athlete,” please come and have a free meeting with us. If you are not ready to invest in this yet, that’s okay. We would still love to chat. Please send us a message on Instagram or Facebook or reply to this email. We would be more than happy to have a conversation with you!
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