Just Start

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” – Voltaire.

Start. You simply need to take the first step towards where you want to end up and not overthink the whole journey.

Stop worrying so much about the perfect workout routine. Start with a couple of air squats in your living room. Momentum is such a beautiful thing, but you cannot take advantage of it unless you actually start.

This can universally apply to many aspects of your life, and it will if you let it.

-Eat veggies at one meal

-Compliment a stranger

-Go for a walk

-Put 50 words on paper

Paralysis by Analysis

We can become so overwhelmed with overanalyzing what is the best way to do something. Without taking the small first you are guaranteeing yourself of one thing. You will never get where you want to go. We would rather look for the quick fix pill, the new fancy diet, or win the lottery. All the energy we spent searching, we could have simply just started.

Don’t let the fear of failure or overanalysis rob you of the ability to grow and live a happier, more fulfilled life. It is only your responsibility to take the first step. Others can help you along the way but you must be the one to take action.

This blog will only be as impactful to you as you let it. Don’t let it just be a couple more words you read on your busy day. Take action on one thing, TODAY. Send me an email (matt.chenard@crossfitcamrose.com) if you did, I would love to celebrate the start of the journey with you!

If you’re looking for some help, simply send us an email (info@crossfitcamrose.com) or click the link below to create some accountability on your adventure.

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